Tag Archives: research

Top 10 Tips for Writers

5 Sep

Do you need help? We have answers! Read below for the top 10 tips for writers.

1. Write what you love. If you love romance then write it. Don’t write about something that you think will sell. This will not sell books people will read your passion.

2. Read out loud. When writing after you have finished for the day read out loud the chapter or the words you have just finished you will find your errors easier.

3. Take breaks. If you feel you are struggling or finding it difficult to finish a paragraph take a break, get outside for some fresh air. Also take breaks from your work it will give you a new look, a new perspective on what you have written.

4. Write, write, write…Write till you can not write any longer then edit. We have found that the most successful writers have written their best selling novels by just writing and not editing themselves automatically. Just continue to write and let the words flow onto the page until you can no longer write.

5. Stay focused. Distractions these days are easy to find. Get rid of your distractions. If you feel your computer is your distraction kick it “old school” and write on paper. 

6. Do your research. Nothing is worse than reading a book about a person or an area and the book is wrong. Research, research and more research. If you don’t know it, don’t write it.

7. Do not listen to anyone. Many writers listen to the fodder of others. Write what is in your heart and write how you know how to write. Write with confidence and vigor. People want to read your voice not someone else.

8. Know your market. After you have finally finished your book and not before figure out who the market really is. There are a lot of great sites out there that can help you with marketing your book and of course Hotlit Books can always help you.

9. Connect with your readers. This is the most simplest form of marketing. They want to know you the person, not just the author. Tell them something about you personally. Be vulnerable. Make yourself available to your readers.

10. Plan. Plan your novel. Do you have a plan? After you have finished writing this novel have you thought about what is next for your characters, if so have you let your readers know?  What type of social media are you using to let readers in on the idea? How long is it going to take? If you are not continuing with the novel what is next? How are you going to let your readers know? Planning is essential for sales also for your sanity.

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